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Kenya kicks off renovation plan of Kajulu water treatment plant

Kenya kicks off renovation plan of Kajulu water treatment plant

Kisumu County in Kenya has kicked of renovation plan of Kajulu water treatment plant. Kisumu Water and Sanitation Company confirmed the report and said the move aims to boost efficiency and maintain quality.

The one-month renovation plan is set to affect Mamboleo, Lolwe, Maua, Kajulu, Wathorego, parts of Chiga, Kanyamedha, Kenya-Re, Kibos, Manyatta, Ogango, Mbeme, Nairobi Ndogo, Tido and Migosi. The disruption will see the company rely on its main treatment plant at Dunga, which draws water from Lake Victoria. Close to half of Kisumu residents will have to endure Christmas and New Year holidays without water in their taps.

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Performance rate

Despite having an installed capacity of 15,000 cubic meters per day, the Dunga raw water intake and treatment plant that was designed for a population of 15,000 has not been performing optimally. The colonial facility is one of the projects earmarked for rehabilitation to improve sanitation and the provision of safe drinking water in Kisumu.

Through the venture dubbed Lake Victoria Water and Sanitation Programme, the county intends to rehabilitate, expand water and sanitation facilities to meet the demand of its growing population. The project will be implemented through Lake Victoria South Water Works Development Agency.

The government is funding the Sh7.5 billion project in partnership with the French Development Agency, European Investment Bank and the European Union-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund. The programme will also ensure the construction of 120km of water supply in the city and its environs.

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