Cameroon to receive US $7M for rural drinking water supply

Cameroon to receive US $7M for rural drinking water supply

Cameroon is set to receive US $7M, from the Korea International Cooperation Agency (Koïca) for rural drinking water supply projects.

Alamine Ousmane Mey, Minister of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development made the announcement and said that the funding will support the supply of drinking water in the councils of Ebebda, Koutaba, Massok and Matomb.

The project covers the rehabilitation and construction of drinking water supply systems in the villages concerned, the establishment of committees for the sustainable management of water facilities and capacity building, as well as the management and monitoring-evaluation of the implementation of the drinking water project, which will end in 2023.

Read:Ivory Coast reinforces water supply in Sud-Comoé

Government’s objective

According to the National Institute of Statistics (INS) of Cameroon, in 2018 the rate of drinking water supply was 77% in urban areas and 45% in rural areas. The Government’s objective is to raise the rural access rate to drinking water from 45% to 80% and sanitation from 13.5% to 60%.

To this end, and by implementing the 2008-2015 action plan, the Government has committed to creating 22,000 water points, rehabilitating 6,000 water points and providing 150,000 households with modern latrines each year.

Part of the plans to improve the supply of drinking water to its populations also include implementing the National Action Plan for Integrated Water Resources Management (Pangire) and the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project (Paea-MRU) in Cameroon. This other initiative aims at the realization of 88 simplified drinking water supply systems in the country, including 22 in the West region, 16 in the South region, 28 in the North West and 22 in the South West.