DRC inaugurates 600MW Solar Power Plant

The 600MW solar plant is part of an objective to increase the stake of solar power in DRC’s energy mix

DRC inaugurates 600MW Solar Power Plant
President Tshishekedi at the launch of 600MW Solar Power Plant in Kinshasa.

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has launched a 600MW Solar Power Plant to mark the beginning of the construction of the country’s global solar energy plan called Kinshasa Solar City.

The Construction works for phase 1 of the Solar Power Plant located in the Menkao district of Kinshasa, DRC, was launched by H.E. President Felix Tshisekedi early this week as part of an objective to increase the stake of solar power in the country’s energy mix.

DRC aims to build several solar plants that will generate up to 1,000 MW to illuminate the non-electrified areas of the DRC. The 1000MW will be produced through several sites in the city of Kinshasa.

Officials who accompanied President Tshisekedi to the inauguration reiterated that the launch of the construction works of the photovoltaic plant commits the country to a new energy path.

The initiative is led by Sun Plus, local subsidiary of Washington-based conglomerate The Sandi Group (TSG). The first phase is expected to be finalized by 2021 and 90% of the plant’s employees will be Congolese nationals.

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Kinshasa Solar City is a futuristic green energy project developed by TSG in partnership with the City of Kinshasa and the national utility company Société Nationale d’Electricité. Its ultimate goal is to provide electricity in areas of the DRC that lack access to power.

Doctor Rubar Sandi, Managing Director of The Sandi Group (TSG) Global promised a shorter period of completion of the project stating that he will personally get involved so that the work ends in less than a year.

“Our mission is to create jobs for the Congolese. This will help the Congo to rise; we want the Congo to rise to international levels. We are working with our partners to see how to improve the image of the Congo,” added Dr Sandi.

Alongside hydrocarbon exploration and hydroelectric projects, solar power is an area of diversification which has been favored by the Congolese government in its quest to increase economic growth and provide universal access to power by 2030.