Fluence concludes US$182 million financing for drinking-water plant in Ivory Coast

Fluence will commission the construction of the 150,000 m³ per day surface‐water treatment plant over the next 24 months.


Water Solutions provider Fluence last week announced its conclusion on the financing for the construction of a US$182 million water treatment plant in Ivory Coast.

The American company which won the contract to design, supply and build (EPC) the drinking water plant near Abidjan city announced that the milestone had been achieved with the execution of the financing agreement by the Ministry of Finance of Ivory Coast (the Client) and the Israeli Discount Bank (IDB).

“We are very pleased to have reached this immensely important milestone for Fluence.  The continued focus and cooperation with the teams from the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Hydraulics in Ivory Coast, as well as with Israeli Export Credit Agency (ASHRA) and IDB, have allowed us to meet this objective,” said Henry Charrabé, Managing Director of Fluence.

Following the Financial Close, and upon meeting any outstanding conditions precedent, Fluence will commission the construction of the 150,000 m³ per day surface‐water treatment plant over the next 24 months.

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“With the project planning work now largely completed, we can fully concentrate on launching the construction of this important water treatment plant to be delivered on a turnkey basis,” he added.

The treated water will be pumped into the Aghien Lagoon located 73 km south-east of Abidjan city, and the country’s largest freshwater reserve. Fluence will construct an intake in the lagoon, as well as a pipeline to carry the water to the treatment plant. The treated water will then pass through water towers before being conveyed through the supply network to the beneficiaries.

Fluence, a leader in the decentralized water, wastewater and reuse treatment markets offers an integrated range of services across the complete water cycle, from early stage evaluation, through design and delivery to ongoing support and optimization of water related assets, as well as Build Own Operate Transfer (BOOT) and other recurring revenue solutions.