Ivory Coast accepts IDA loan for Water projects

The funds are intended to finance the implementation of Phase II of the Premu water project to Strengthen Urban Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation in 12 cities.


The government of Ivory Coast has approved a Water projects loan of US$ 150 million from the International Development Association (IDA), a subsidiary of the World Bank, for the purpose of financing drinking water and sanitation project in 12 cities in the country.

“The funds are intended to finance the implementation of Phase II of the Premu water project to Strengthen Urban Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation, which will improve the supply of drinking water in 12 secondary cities,” said Government Spokesman Sidi Touré.

These cities that will benefit from the project include: N’Douci, N’Zianouan, Tiassalé, Agboville, Ferkessédougou, Issia, Dabou,  KorhogoBingerville, Béoumi, Songon  and Niakara.

The project began in July 2019 and is expected to be completed in April 2024. Upon completion, it will provide improved drinking water services to 1.2 million people and 90,000 students with access to sanitation and hygiene in their schools.

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The IDA loan will be utilized in building several drinking water supply systems. The government of Ivory Coast has provided for the construction of a water purification unit with a capacity of 500 cubic meters per hour to serve the small towns of Sikensi, N’Zianouan, Tiassalé and N’Douci.

The purification unit will be connected to a raised tank with a capacity of 1,000 cubic meters via a 45 km long pipe. The government also plans to extend the drinking water distribution network by 35 km, which will allow 3,000 social connections to be made.

In eastern Ivory Coast, Phase II of the Premu will provide a drinking water supply system that will be able to supply 500 cubic meters per hour.  6 km of pipelines will be laid, an extension will be made of the secondary and tertiary water distribution network by 70 km and 2,000 social connections will be built.

The other cities of will use the same water intake.

About IDA
The International Development Association (IDA) is an international financial institution which offers concessional loans and grants to the world’s poorest developing countries. The IDA is a member of the World Bank Group and is headquartered in Washington, D.C. in the United States