Timimoun wastewater treatment plant to be operational by end of January

Timimoun wastewater treatment plant to be operational by end of January 2022

The Timimoun wastewater treatment plant project in Algeria to be operational by end of January this year. The Directorate of Water Resources (DRE) of the wilaya of Timimoun, Mustapha Sidi-Moussa made the announcement and said the project is 95% complete.

The plant which is located in the province of Adrar, covers an area of 4 hectares, with a capacity of 13,000 m3 per day. The project is being executed by the National Sanitation Office (ONA) at a contract of US $19M.The organization is under the supervision of the Algerian Ministry of Water Resources.

The future station will recover wastewater flowing in the outlets of the wilaya of Timimoun. The effluents will then pass through treatment lines before being made available to small farmers for irrigation.

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Drinking water supply and sanitation in Algeria is characterized by achievements and challenges. Among the achievements is a substantial increase in the amount of drinking water supplied from reservoirs, long-distance water transfers and desalination at a low price to consumers, thanks to the country’s substantial oil and gas revenues.These measures increased per capita water supply despite a rapidly increasing population.

Like most wilayas in Algeria, Timimoun is faced with drought that makes its climate even more arid, with a rainfall not exceeding 100 mm per year. The phenomenon is accentuated by climate change. A total of 43,000 people will benefit from this project in the wilaya.

The reuse of treated wastewater in Timimoun will also reduce the dependence of small farmers on depleting groundwater resources. This project is part of the Algerian government’s policy to provide better sanitation services to its population and to mitigate the effects of water stress.