Togo launches tender for water supply systems in 17 localities

Togo launches tender for water supply systems in 17 localities

The Agence nationale d’appui au développement à la base (ANADEB) in Togo has initiated a call for tenders for the construction of drinking water supply systems (AEP) and the “productive use of water” in 17 localities across the Maritime and Plateaux regions in the southern and south-western parts of Togo.

The primary objective of this project is to improve the supply of drinking water in the Maritime and Plateaux regions of Togo. Additionally, the project aims to promote the productive use of water in these areas.

The project will be carried out in several phases. Once the construction contract is awarded, the selected company or companies will start work on four lots. The project will be carried out in several phases. Once the construction contract is awarded, the selected company or companies will start work on four lots.

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The remaining 12 water supply and “productive water use” schemes will be implemented in the Plateaux region, spread across the other three lots. The second lot of the project will benefit the residents of Ogou Agrani, Konadabo, Fangodo, and Anani Copé by improving their drinking water supply. The final stage of the project will enhance the supply of drinking water to the inhabitants of Adogli, Litito, Akakégan, and Témé Oulo, all located in the Plateaux region of Togo.

The construction work is expected to last four months in each of the target localities, starting from the date of notification of the approved contract. The project is being funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the West African Development Bank (BOAD). These funds are allocated for work in the southern and south-western regions of Togo under the Diesel Hybridisation of Multifunctional Platforms with Solar Systems Project (PHMD-PTFM). Interested companies have until September 28, 2023, to submit their bids for consideration.