Zambia launches tender for construction of a drinking water project

Zambia launches tender for construction of a drinking water project

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Water and Sanitation Expansion Project in Zambia, implemented by Research Triangle Institute International (RTII),is seeking bids from consulting firms to support the project’s implementation.

The selected local consultant, a firm of registered civil engineers, will be responsible for supervising the project’s design, construction, and rehabilitation of water and sanitation facilities over a five-year period.

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Project’s objective

The project aims to expand and improve water and sanitation infrastructure in Zambia. The future facilities will include boreholes with human-powered pumps, reservoirs, distribution networks, submersible pumps, gravity and solar systems, as well as compact surface water filtration systems. The existing facilities will also be rehabilitated and connected to these new systems. In addition, the project will focus on building sewerage systems, latrines, and water closets in schools, clinics, public spaces, and other specified locations.

The project activities will be carried out in peri-urban areas, rural growth centers, and rural areas across Muchinga, Northern, Western, and Southern provinces of Zambia. A total of 12 districts will benefit from the project, including Chinsali, Nakonde, Mpika, Lunte, Mungwi, Kazungula, Kalomo, Nalolo, Kalabo, Mongu, Kaoma, and Sesheke.

Consulting firms interested in participating in the tender process have until 23 May 2023 to submit their bids. The selected firm will need to be operational by July 2023 and will oversee site selection until September 2023. From September 2023 to March 2024, the consultant will be responsible for identifying, pre-qualifying, and procuring the project design. The actual procurement phase will take place between March and May 2024, with construction work scheduled to commence in May 2024. The entire project is expected to be completed by October 2026.