Egypt builds waste water plant in Al Sawaleh

Egypt builds waste water plant in Al Sawaleh

A new waste water plant has been built in Al Sawaleh in the Sharqeya governorate of Egypt. State-owned Holding Company for Water and Wastewater (HCWW) implemented the sewage project.

The Al Sawaleh wastewater treatment plant project is part of the Water and Sanitation Improvement Program (IWSP I). The initiative includes more than 70 projects to improve water supply networks and treatment plants, wastewater collection and treatment system for at least 4 million people in Beheira, Damietta, Gharbeya and Sharqeya. The four governorates located in the Nile Delta in Egypt have an estimated total population of 16.3 million.

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IWSP I program

The US $20M sewarge system is set to benefit than 250,000 people. The treated wastewater is returned to nature, reducing pollution that impacts the health of the population and the loss of aquatic biodiversity. By 2020, the rate of access to sanitation in Egypt will reach 66% according to the authorities.

In 2020, the IWSP I program also rehabilitated the Mahalla wastewater treatment plant in Gharbeya governorate. The upgraded plant now treats 120,000 m3 of wastewater per day, up from 80,000 m3 before the project was implemented by Metito, a Dubai, United Arab Emirates-based company specializing in water treatment.

The European Union (EU), the French Development Agency (AFD), the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW), the German development agency, are participating in the financing of the IWSP I to the tune of US $324M. According to our confreres of Daily News Egypt, the projects implemented in Phase I of the Water and Sanitation Improvement Program are almost all completed, under the coordination of HCWW and its affiliated companies in these governorates.