Galp discovers second oil in Namibia

Galp discovers second oil in Namibia

Galp Energia SGPS SA has announced a second oil discovery has been made in Namibia. The firm in conjunction with the National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia (NAMCOR) and Custos Energy discovered additional hydrocarbons, specifically a second significant column of light oil, in reservoir-bearing sands of high quality in the Mopane-1X well.

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Mopane-1X well

This discovery adds to the growing potential of hydrocarbon resources in the region and further establishes the significance of offshore exploration in Namibia’s Orange Basin. Mopane-1X is the first of two exploration wells to be drilled in block PEL83. Galp drilled, cored, and logged a deeper target (AVO-2) in the Mopane-1X well.

PEL83 is located on blocks 2813A and 2814B in Namibia’s Orange Basin. It is immediately north of PEL 39, which contains Shell plc’s discoveries at Graff-1, La Rona-1, and Jonker-1. Additionally, PEL 83 lies north and west of PEL 56 where TotalEnergies made an oil discovery at Venus-1.

Galp is the operator of PEL 83 with an 80% interest while NAMCOR and Custos Energy each hold 10%. Sintana has a 49% carried interest through its indirect investment in Custos Energy.

The rig is expected to be relocated to the Mopane-2X well location to evaluate the extent of the Mopane discoveries. A Drill Stem Test (DST) is expected to be performed in Mopane-1X after this evaluation.