Nigeria launches drinking water project in Niger State

Nigeria launches drinking water project in Niger State

The Niger State government in Nigeria has launched a drinking water project set to improve the supply of potable water in the state.

The Niger State Water and Sewage Corporation (NSWB), Managing Director Hassan Muhammad Tsado performed the launch ceremony. The project involves laying 14,000 drinking water pipes which will be connected to NSWB drinking water network.

Phase one will see involves disconnecting the 2,200 pipes that currently supply drinking water to the NSWB reservoir and that have been connected to the service line, individual lines and utility lines. Phase two on the other hand will involve a complete overhaul of the piping over a network of about 9km.

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Access to basic drinking water services

“According to the local authorities, the new water supply project will benefit households and businesses, but also the NSWB, which is targeting a monthly revenue of US $291,600 to US $364,511 once the new pipes are connected to the network,”said Tsado.

The drinking water project will further increase the efficiency of the NSWB. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) will provide the funds for its implementation.

The local government is also planning to install prepaid meters in all areas with a 9km district metering area (DMA). The package of works in Niger State will also improve the rate of access to safe water in Nigeria. According to the World Bank, about 60million Nigerians live without access to basic drinking water services, including the people of Niger State.