Phase 2 of El Farag gas field in Libya to be launched

Phase 2 of El Farag gas field in Libya to be launched

Phase two of Libya’s El Farag gas field is set to be launched. Waha Oil Company (WOC) Chairman Nouri Al-Seid made the announcement and said that the launch is set to take place on April 7, this year. The company is a subsidiary of state-owned National Oil Corp (NOC).

“The company restarted phase 1 of the El Farag gas field in November after an eight-month hiatus and we are now gearing up to restart the second phase. This is a vital, important and strategic project that will support the electric power plants, and despite the scarcity of spare parts due to poor funding and the country’s conditions, we will work to operate the second phase soon,” said Nouri Al-Seid.

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Increase country’s gas production

The El Farag gas field currently produces 15,000 barrels per day of condensate and 70 million cubic feet per day of gas. Once the planned second phase development is completed, the field will be able to produce a total of 180 million cubic feet of gas per day.

Upon completion of the second phase, El Farag will be able to produce 180 MMcf/d and 15,000 b/d of condensate, Seid said, which will significantly boost the reconstruction of Libya’s power facilities. The gas from the field is sent via pipeline to the Sarir Electricity Production Station, while the condensate is piped to the Gialo oil field where it is blended into Es Sider crude

The project is expected to increase the North African country’s gas production, and help stimulate the reconstruction of its electrical installations concurrently. NOC is looking to increase its crude oil production to 1.45 million b/d by the end of 2021. However, this hinges on NOC receiving its full annual budget along with improved security at its oil infrastructure.