Rhosonics develops special installation method for Slurry Density Meter

The UFTP pipe piece with PU liner
The UFTP pipe piece with PU liner designed by Rhosonics

Rhosonics has designed a new pipe piece for the non-nuclear Slurry Density Meter (SDM). The Ultrasonic Flow Through Pipe (UFTP) is an improvement over the previous spool with a number of advantages:
  • The UFTP is custom-made. The pipe piece is adjusted to the pipe diameter and pipe material of the customer. This means that, in slurry applications, the wearing/erosion of our installation method is the same as the customer’s pipe.
  • The UFTP is available in multiple versions made of Steel, HDPE and with/without liner.
  • The distance between the sensor and the flange is larger. This makes the flow more stable at the measuring location (where the sensor is built in).
  • The sensor is guaranteed flush-mounted (flush with the pipe). This means that the flow is not affected or disturbed.
  • This development ultimately ensures better measurement results in the long term (longer service life of the sensor).

RELATED: Rhosonics introduces the Slurry Density Meter WT (SDM WT)

According to Rhosonics, the first pipe piece with liner has been tested at a mineral processing plant in Brazil. The pipe piece was developed and sold by Rhosonics’ Brazilian representative, Yellow Solutions. These experiences have been used for the design of the UFTP by Rhosonics.

The first pipe piece with liner in Brazil
The first pipe piece with liner in Brazil, developed by Yellow Solutions

Ultrasonic flowmeters use sound waves to determine the velocity of a fluid flowing in a pipe. They are commonly applied to measure the velocity of liquids that allow ultrasonic waves to pass, such as water, molten sulfur, cryogenic liquids, and chemicals.

Ultrasonic flowmeters are used in the oil and gas, water and wastewater, power, chemical, food and beverage, pharmaceutical, metals and mining, and pulp and paper industries.