Senegal secures US $41M loan for water and sanitation

Senegal secures US $41M loan for water and sanitation

The government of Senegal has announced it has secured a loan of US $41M from the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the African Development Fund (ADF) for water and sanitation project.

The project dubbed Access to Safe Services and Sanitation for Sustainable Resilience in Disadvantaged Areas Project (Pasea-RD) aims to to strengthen drinking water and sanitation services in disadvantaged areas of the country.

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Pasea-RD  project

Slated to begin next year 2023, Pasea-RD  project will involve the construction of five drinking water plants, the rehabilitation and securing of drinking water supply facilities in six rural centres, the extension and densification of drinking water networks over a distance of 480 kilometres, the construction of 60 standpipes and the creation of 15,000 social connections.

Two new wastewater treatment plants will also be built, as well as four pumping stations, five sludge treatment plants and 70 kilometres of sewerage networks to which at least 250,000 households will be connected

In these regions, the Senegalese government also plans to build new sanitation and hygiene facilities, such as 13,200 family latrines and 67 public latrines for schools and health centres to limit open defecation. Out of the issued loan, US $38M is from AfDB while the balance from the ADF. All the facilities will be operational by 2027.

“Pasea-RD will strengthen the supply of drinking water to the inhabitants of the regions of Matam (North-East), Tambacounda (South), Kédougou (South-East) and Thiès (West). Under this project, integrated water resources management “will affect the whole country. Some 1.45 million people, 51% of whom are women, will benefit directly from the project,” the AfDB said.