US $18.6 M invested in water and sanitation programme in Mozambique

US $18.6 M invested in water and sanitation programme in Mozambique

A sum of US $18.6 M has been invested in a water and sanitation programme in Mozambique. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is supporting the program through its new five-year “USAID Transform Wash” programme.

The programme aim is to strengthen water, sanitation and hygiene services in underserved communities in the provinces of Zambezia, Nampula and Cabo Delgado in Mozambique, through better governance and responsible behaviour.

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USAID Transform Wash

The “USAID Transform Wash” programme is also part of the US government’s global priority initiative “Water for The World”. In addition to securing access to safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene, the Water for The World programme aims to preserve freshwater resources hard hit by drought, as well as promoting cooperation on shared waters.

The financial institution has entrusted the implementation of the programme to Tetra Tech. Under its terms of reference, the company specialises in engineering and technical consulting services, will provide national and local government agencies with technical support to improve their policies and increase the services identified. This support includes training in tariff collection, data management and policies to encourage private sector financing and management.

“By building the capacity of the Mozambican government and the private sector to build and maintain sustainable Wash services, the programme will ensure access to quality water systems. The initiative will also promote healthy hygiene practices through community and civic awareness in Cabo Delgado, Zambezia and Nampula. The latter two provinces, with 39% of the country’s population, are said to have the least basic infrastructure,” said the US Embassy in Mozambique.