US $1M Ga-Mopedi Water Project in South Africa completed

US $1M Ga-Mopedi Water Project in South Africa completed
The Ga-Mopedi Water Project in South Africa has been completed. Department of Water and Sanitation confirmed the report and said it is set to benefit 1200 households or the population of just over 7 000 people.

The US $1M project is situated in the Ga-Segonyana Local Municipality in the Northern Cape. The primary objective of the project is the supply of adequate, safe clean water to the inhabitants of the villages in accordance with the RDP and DWAF guidelines.

Secondary to this, the project embraced empowerment, training and job creation. Community members were part of the Project Steering Committee (PSC). Labour Intensive Construction methods were implemented where possible and construction activities such as the laying of pipes, backfilling and finishing of trenches, small concrete works and dayworks were conducted by locally employed people.

Read:Completion of US $6M Magareng Water Treatment Plant project delays

Water demands

“Due to the socio-economic development and population growth in the area, the existing infrastructure was unable to meet the water demands of the community. In order to address the inevitable water challenge, in May 2020, work commenced to refurbish the two existing boreholes in Ga-Mopedi,” said the Department of Water and Sanitation.

“A water reticulation pipeline of 3.5 kilometres has been installed making it possible to put up 15 communal water standpipes. All the infrastructure has been fenced off with a 2.4 metres high fence for security purposes. The community is also urged to use water sparingly because Ga-Mopedi is a semi-arid area, so is the entire Northern Cape province and there is need to do more to ensure that every drop of the groundwater resources available is used wisely,” the department added.