EUROTRANS Board meets for its first session in 2021

EUROTRANS Board meets for its first session in 2021

On 4 February 2021, the EUROTRANS Board met online via video-conference for their traditional first quarter Board Meeting, presided by Salim Haffar, I-MAK Gearboxes and Drives, and André Thuswaldner, Novagear AG.

The representatives of the eight national associations discussed the business plan for 2021 and the current economic situation in Europe. The Board still expects an increase between 5% to 10% for 2021. The year will be dominated by the Covid-19 pandemic and it will be more challenging than the previous year:

  • global travel restrictions
  • cost pressure in the mechanical engineering industry
  • vulnerable global supply chain
  • global logistic problems
  • shortage of electronic components

The power transmission industry presents an in-homogeneous picture as it serves many areas of mechanical engineering and relies on global supply chains. Companies in the automotive industry environment and in the machine tool sector continue to find themselves in a difficult situation. Other sectors such as the international wind industry, agricultural machinery, the food and packaging industry or electrical engineering – partly due to the boom in the mail order business – are running relatively stable.

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Mr. Haffar pointed out: “For export-oriented industries it is important to keep the borders open. In times of closed borders and lock-downs, networks are more important than ever. The recovery may take longer but the challenges of globalization, digitization, decarbonization and the power of innovation in our industry will give us a good perspective for a successful future.”

“EUROTRANS proved to be an excellent partner during the pandemic. It recently created a new type of online training, reaching a broader audience whilst keeping the same quality and excellence online. We look forward to the upcoming online trainings”, says André Thuswaldner.

General Secretariat of EUROTRANS
EUROTRANS – European Committee of Associations of Manufacturers of Gears and Transmission Parts. The member associations represent the interests of more than 600 enterprises within Europe, with a total annual production of more than 40 billion EURO. More than 160.000 people are employed in the European power transmission industry.

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