Tender for consultant launched for Gelechet Sarite water supply project in Ethiopia

Tender for consultant launched for Gelechet Sarite water supply project in Ethiopia

The Oromia Water and Energy Resources Development Board (OWERDB) in Ethiopia, with the support of the African Development Bank (AfDB), is seeking a consultant to oversee the implementation of the Gelechet Sarite drinking water supply project in the Borona zone of the Oromia region.

The project aims to provide water services to the districts of Elweya, Dubluk, and Yabelo, benefiting a total of 24,115 people and 83,000 livestock. The consultant’s responsibilities will include supervising the drilling works, as well as overseeing the construction and contract administration for phase I of the drinking water project.

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Gelechet Sarite project

Additionally, the consultant will be involved in the design review for phase II of the project. The entire project falls under Phase 1 of the Borona Resilient Water Development for Livelihood Improvement Programme (BRWDILP), which also includes integrated watershed management and institutional capacity building.

Interested consultancies have until 10 July 2023 to submit their applications. The pre-selection criteria for the consultant selection process focus on the company’s experience, technical and managerial capacity, and years of activity. After the pre-selection stage, the final consultant will be chosen.

The BRWDILP programme, funded by the African Development Fund (ADF) and the concessional loan window of the African Development Bank (AfDB), is expected to benefit 62 villages and 12 small towns in the Oromia region of Ethiopia.