Why every homeowner needs a sump pump


The sump pump, unbeknownst to many, provides unmatched peace of mind for homeowners. There are many appliances and gadget that more often than not, have been made to seem a necessity to everyday life.

Electrical appliances such as television sets are termed as a must have, but are they really? This is in comparison to other appliances that are more essential but unfortunately people ignore until it becomes too late.

During the rainy seasons, the water from the rain tends to saturate the ground around and below your home’s foundation. Hydrostatic pressure from the same will then cause a build-up against the concrete walls. This will either cause cracks or overwork your drainage system. That is where a sump pump comes in; to relieve this pressure. It is usually installed in the lowest part of a basement to keep the space under the building dry and prevent flooding.


The pump is usually installed in a pit below the floor level. A basin with a gravel base is then dug about two feet deep and 18 inches wide. When it rains, the water flows into the area through drains. Once the water fills the basin a pressure sensor turns the sump pump on.

This, in turn moves the water through a pipe away from the house. Centrifugal force triggers an impeller to spin and forces water to move out through the pipe. Furthermore, most of the household pumps run on standard electrical power. As such, they also require a ground fault circuit interrupter to prevent accidental electrocution.

There are two styles of the sump pump; pedestal and submersible. Both of these work to move water safely out of the basement reservoir to an area outside the house. However, like with any other products, both styles have pros and cons that should be taken into consideration before purchase.


You should also ensure your sump pump is always in perfect working order through regular maintenance.  During dry periods, pour water into the pit and allow it to run a full cycle. The build-up in the pump can be removed by running vinegar through it. You should also ensure that the float remains unobstructed and working correctly at all times. Make sure water is being pumped out. Furthermore, the battery back-up pump should be replaced every three years to ensure efficiency of the pump.

The average lifespan of a sump pump is five to seven years. As such, ensure you replace your sump pump after some time.  New ones range in price from $150 to $400. This amount is inclusive of installation, should you choose to hire a professional.

Keeping your home and family protected from flooding, a water damage and health concern with a properly functioning sump pump is simple to handle yourself. For additional peace of mind, consult with your local professionals. The expert technicians can provide advice, low-cost maintenance plans, and pump replacements and back-up accessories.