Kenya to develop water and sanitation project in Thika

Kenya to develop water and sanitation project in Thika

Kenya is set to develop a US $90M water sewerage project in Kiambu County. Thika Water & Sewerage Company (THIWASCO) revealed the project is slated for completion 2024.

THIWASCO is handling the design phase of the project while the Athi Water Works Development Agency (AWWDA) will oversee the entire project. Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) and the Kenyan government are the co-funders.

Scope of work

Design phase of the project will be completed in October 2023. This will be followed by the procurement phase, which will last until early 2024. The successful bidder will construct two 10m high reservoirs on the Chania River and at the Thika 3A site in Kiambu County in central Kenya.

The project upon completion will improve access to safe water and sanitation in the Kenyan city until 2042. It is estimated it will provide 36,000 m3 of water per day. The raw water will be transported to a 20,000 m3 treatment plant via a linear pipeline and then distributed to area residents.

The sanitation component of the project will involve construction of three wastewater treatment plants in the Pilot, Nanga and Kilimambogo areas to serve the North, South and East of Thika. The future plants will have 23,000 m3, 17,000 m3 and 7,000 m3 per day respectively, depending on the nature of the project. The new plants will have facilities for converting sewage sludge into electricity. A mini-hydro plant will also be built to generate clean electricity, reducing the internal consumption of the sewage plants by 20%.